Modulos Módulo Inglés Nivel 5

Nivel 5

The true cost

The true cost

Por medio de este recurso los estudiantes expresarán su opinión sobre un tema de interés general, apoyándose en sus conocimientos del mundo para participar en una conversación. Utilizando el avance del documental “THE TRUE COST”, los estudiantes identificarán y discutirán las implicaciones sociales, ecológicas y económicas que tiene el consumo de prendas de vestir en la sociedad actual. 

Reading about money

Reading about money

El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes comprendan textos relacionados con el tema de dinero utilizando los párrafos propuestos en la pagina del British Council.

Holidays all around

Holidays all around

Este recurso busca que los estudiantes produzcan y editen textos escritos y orales en clase, teniendo en cuenta las reglas lingüísticas. Utilizando información encontrada en la sección de Holidays de la página WatchKnowLearn, los estudiantes crearán un libro interactivo en el que presenten los aspectos más importantes de diferentes fiestas alrededor del mundo con ayuda de la herramienta Bookcreator.

Technology is Great

Technology is Great

El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes practiquen el lenguaje utilizado para describir una ciudad, practicar leer buscando la idea principal y detalles, y usen el vocabulario para describir negocios.

ICESI/ ENGLISH Level 5 MODULE 3 Andrea Rizo

ICESI/ ENGLISH Level 5 MODULE 3 Andrea Rizo

In this lesson plan we will be learning the basics of LinkedIn. Students will be able to practice the vocabulary learned about Jobs and  learn in a real-life class activity how to complete a professional profile to assist with networking within their career. 

icesi/english level V/module 2/find out about your community

icesi/english level V/module 2/find out about your community

Students design a survey to discover aspects of their interest about different communities with the larger community of Icesi University. Then, they implement the survey and consolidate the results in a poster. The activity is to be done in pairs to allow students to engage in constant discussion and analysis about how to use language to accomplish a communicative goal.

ICESI/ ENGLISH Level 5 MODULE 1 Andrea Rizo

ICESI/ ENGLISH Level 5 MODULE 1 Andrea Rizo

Narration means the art of storytelling, and the purpose of narrative writing is to tell stories. Any time you tell a story to a friend or family member about an event or incident in your day, you engage in a form of narration. In addition, a narrative can be factual or fictional. A factual story is one that is based on, and tries to be faithful to, actual events as they unfolded in real life. A fictional story is a made-up, or imagined, story; the writer of a fictional story can create characters and events as he or she sees fit. The big distinction between factual and fictional narratives is based on a writer’s purpose. The writers of factual stories try to recount events as they actually happened, but writers of fictional stories can depart from real people and events because the writers’ intents are not to retell a real-life event. Biographies and memoirs are examples of factual stories, whereas novels and short stories are examples of fictional stories. Taken from: Narrative texts:    Students will make a collective construction of a story. They will practice how to narrate stories and tales. 

icesi / english / level v / My life project Module 1 Units 1 and 3

icesi / english / level v / My life project Module 1 Units 1 and 3

The life project is the plan that a person draws in order to obtain an objective. All humans have dreams and needs. During our childhood, we play to be superheroes, to be firemen or veterinarians; no matter what profession we chose, our dreams were based on what we “wanted to be”. A life project is simply a document that compiles “what we want to be” and “what we are going to do” to achieve it in certain chapters of our life. It also includes the possibilities and means/resources that we need and currently have to achieve those goals. In summary, a life project is our little manual where we register our dreams and the actions that we are going to carry out in order to fulfill those goals. The project gives coherence to the life of a person in his diverse facets and marks a certain style, in to act, in the relations, in the way of seeing life… At the end of the project the students should upload a video talking about their life project, integrating the use of verb tenses, the definition of who they are and where do they belong.Taking a look of their future and their goal in the future.  Taken from:



Students read predictions about what families will be like in the future and summarise the information they have read. It is a group activity to allow collaborative learning and the negotiation of meaning and sense in the target language. Furthermore, the configuration of the activity will allow students to confront and experiment with reading strategies. The final product is a list of 8 sentences that summarise 8 different pieces of information which discuss the concept of families in the future. The use of the future tense is the focus of attention in these sentences.  

Icesi - Level 5 - Extensive Reading project

Icesi - Level 5 - Extensive Reading project

This is a project that helps students develop reading comprehension skills. The idea is that the whole class reads a book, or several, throughout the course. Since books have vocabulary and expressions that students cannot understand, the idea is that students and teachers read the book in Google docs (or another cloud), and that they scaffold the book together. The teacher may introduce pictures, translations of expressions, explanations, comments in the shared file, to clarify vocabulary, explain expressions, etc. so that all the students can read them. In this way, reading becomes easier for the students. It is recommended that the teacher scaffolds the first chapter or chapters (depending on the lenght of the book) and then, the teacher should assign the responsibility of the scaffolding to the students. At the end, the book or story will be full of pictures and comments and it will be more accessible to students.

How to be a savvy shopper

How to be a savvy shopper

Inspirados por el vídeo How teens can be savvy shoppers, los estudiantes crearán una infografía en la que den consejos sobre las formas de ser consumidores informados. Para esto utilizarán la herramienta Canva.

Let's talk about sports

Let's talk about sports

Este recurso busca que los estudiantes expresen opiniones, gustos y preferencias sobre temas trabajados en clase, utilizando estrategias para monitorear su pronunciación. Vocaroo es una grabadora de sonidos en línea que permite a los estudiantes grabar su voz desde los computadores y guardar copias de su grabación o enviarlas por correo electrónico a otras personas.

Christmas in every country

Christmas in every country

Esta infografía es útil para identificar elementos culturales presentes en textos sencillos. Los estudiantes podrán descubrir las costumbres navideñas en 10 países del mundo, así como los personajes que protagonizan dichas fiestas.

Advice for keeping a tech balance

Advice for keeping a tech balance

El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes identifiquen ideas generales y específicas de un texto oral cuyo tema y vocabulario ya conocen. Para esto, observarán vídeos en los que diferentes personas aconsejan sobre las diferentes formas de mantener un balance entre el uso de la tecnología y la vida cotidiana. Además, responderán a preguntas sobre su propio uso de la tecnología. 

Our tech newspaper

Our tech newspaper

Por medio de este recurso los estudiantes escribirán sobre un hecho que sucede a su alrededor y editarán su escrito, teniendo en cuenta la estructura de un artículo periodístico. Esta animación lleva a los estudiantes a descubrir los elementos clave de un periódico y las etapas para escribir un artículo, al mismo tiempo que los ayuda a hacer una edición de su texto antes de presentarlo a la clase.

Modulos Módulo Inglés Nivel 5 Cinco reglas para escribir WebQuests

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